Thursday 20 March 2014

Chapter 6 (A) Nonverbal Communication


·         Behavior and components of speech from words

·     Includes tone, speed, volume of voice, gestures, and facial expressions

·     Examples of non – verbal communication : -


Six functions are : -

1)      Integrating Non – verbal and Verbal Messages

2)      Forming and Managing Impressions

3)      Defining Relationships

4)      Structuring Conversation

5)      Influencing and Deceiving

6)      Expressing Emotions

1)      Integrating Non – verbal and Verbal Messages

There are six functions of non – verbal communication : -

 ·         Substitute ( using a nonverbal action as a replacement for speaking )

For example :
Instead of saying “Hi” / “Bye”, you might just wave a hand to someone.
·         Contradict ( using nonverbal messages to gainsay the verbal messages )
For example :
You are yelling, but you said that “I am not upset”
·         Regulate (the turn talking signs during talk)
For example :

  We use hand signals to indicate that we are done talking and it will to someone else turn to continue.  We also can look at the other person as to say “what do you think about that”.
·         Accent ( using nonverbal cues to increase verbal messages )
For example :
If you speak louder and your eye widen, it will making the messages more clear.
·         Complement ( the amount of redundancy nonverbal communication adds to verbal messages )
For example :
If you say you are hungry you might rub your stomach.
·         Repeat ( same like complementing, but with a delay between verbal and nonverbal communication )
For example :

When someone asking you question, you say “don’t know”, then shaking head afterwards.
2.    Forming And Managing Impressions
( the ways you impression you want to communicate and you value to others )
·         To be liked ( showing a behavior to increase interpersonal attractiveness, such as smile, pat someone on the back, and shake hands warmly )
For example :
Your colleague are new on the job, you might help and show respect to others, and help the person feel positive about himself/ herself.
·         To be believed ( showing part of strategy would involve attempts to establish credibility, such as make confident eye contact, firm stance and adopt “open” gesture )
For example:
If you are establish that a good character, you might mention your fairness, honesty, and your commitment lasting values.
·         To avoid failure ( someone who avoid put effort in the job and keeping failure from hurting self-esteem  - might look sad, cover face with hands, and shake head )
·         To secure help ( someone who inability and ineffectiveness, it might want to be taken care and protected – indicating helplessness, use open gestures, puzzle look, and inept movements  )
For example :
“I can’t fix the drain and it make me crazy, because I totally don’t know anything about plumbing,” and it hope get help from others.
·         To hide faults ( not only presenting positive image, but to hide negative part – avoid eye contact, but both body language and facial expression might give it away )
For example : Censor your behavior such as speech. You avoid your normal slang to make your friends think more highly than you.
·         To be followed ( Knowledge, capability, right to lead by position )
For example : You will want to get people to see you as a leader. You might stress your previous experience, your broad knowledge, and your previous successes.
·         To confirm self-image and to communicate it to others ( Strengthen your positive perceptions of yourself )
For example : You tell jokes and try to make laugh people. This behavior confirms your own self – image and also lets others know that is who you are and how you want to be seen.
3.       Defining Relationships
( using nonverbal signals to communicate the nature of your relationship to another person and you and that person communicate nonverbally with each other’s. )
Nonverbal can communicate with various stages of relationships such as : -
a.       Employers
You give the impression to others like professional and smart such as wearing formal attire in work.
b.       Normal friends
You will talk more openly, smoothly and appear more casual look in front of them.
c.       Best friends
The one friend who is closest to you, you will scream and shout and easily express all your feeling to each other.
d.       First few dates with girlfriend / boyfriend
You behave so polite before getting close with each other, after that she/he also will scream and shout and let it all out.
4.       Structuring Conversation ( In conversation, waiting receive and give signals that you are ready to speak, listen and comment. )
For example : -
Verbal : Any question want to ask?
Non verbal : Shake your head in the direction to someone, that mean you are ready to give up your speaking and you are waiting others to give comment.
5.       Influencing and Deceiving
Non verbal gestures and communication can be influence others into your beliefs and ideas, deceiving as well.
6.       Express Emotions ( Nonverbal behaviors that communicate an internal emotional or affective state )
For example :
 3.       The Channels of Nonverbal Communication
a.       Body Communication
b.      Facial Communication
c.       Eye Communication
a.       Body Communication
i.            Body movement – Kinesics ( includes movement of the hands, head, feet and legs, posture,eye                                   movements and facial expressions – all these affect the message )
·         Emblems – cues with a direct verbal meaning in a given a culture (thumbs up sign )

·         Illustrators – gestures that complement verbal signals, measure distance with the space between our hands.
·         Affect displays – used to communicate emotions
·         Regulators – controls flow of communication
  ·         Adaptors – personal habit and self-expressions, normally done in private or under pressure
ii.            Body appearance
·         More attractive people are judged to be happier, more intelligent, friendly, stronger, and kinder and are thought to have better personality, better jobs, and greater marital capability.
·         Attractive people get more dates, higher grades, and higher tips.
Bad Hair Day??
b) I)   Facial Communication
·         Facial expressions are the key characteristics of nonverbal communication.
·         Your facial expression can communicate happiness, sadness, anger or fear.
ii.            Facial management
·         To hide certain emotions and to emphasize others.
·         Here are five facial management techniques : -

1.       Intensifying ( help you to exaggerate a feeling )
For example :
To exaggerate your surprise when friends throw you a party, so to make your friends feel better.
1.       Deintensifying
( Helps you to underplay a feeling. )
For example : When you take a good result, you need to cover up your own joy in the presence of a friend who didn’t get a good result.
2.       Neutralizing
( Helps you to hide your feelings )
For example : You are upset about your exam result, but you want to cover up and don’t want show out in front of your friends, act like nothing.
3.       Masking
( Helps you to replace the expression of the one emotion for the emotion you are really feeling )
For example : You actually disappointed about your exam result, but you need act happy in front of friends.
4.       Simulating
( Help you to express feeling that you don’t know )
For example : You keep smile when receiving your boyfriend or girlfriend messages.
3.       Eye Communication
·         A key characteristic of nonverbal communication, expresses much without using a single word.
·         In American culture, maintaining eye contact shows respect and indicates interest.
·         Eye contact also establish the nature of a relationship.
Functions of eye movements : -
·         To seek feedback
·         To signal openness in the communication channel ( look at you and waiting response )
·         To signal the nature of a relationship ( higher eye contact lower listening )
·         To change the psychological distance ( physical distance between you are others )
·         To helps others maintain privacy – eye avoidance ( avoid eye contact, help others keep their privacy )

·         To signal lack of interest through eye avoidance


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