Saturday 22 March 2014

Chapter 6 (b) non verbal communication

Spatial Massage

Proxemic distances means the physical distance that describe the relation between people and the type of communication they use.

type of proxemic distance:

  • intimate: physical contact from 0 to 18 inches ( comforting and protecting one another )
  • personal: physical contact from 18 inches to 4 feet also known as the " protective bubble". it is conducted during interpersonal interactions.
  • social: physical contact ranging from 4 to 12 feet. conducted during interaction between social gathering group. the more distance maintained the more formal the relationship is.
  • public: distance ranging from 12 to more than 25 feet. distance used in public mostly for self defense purpose.

Territoriality is the possession towards a particular / object

  • primary: personal areas with places like a persons own room, desk and car
  • secondary: areas that don't really belong to you but you make it as your own. ( regular seat in class, cafeteria)
  • public: open area which everyone can use like shopping malls, public toilet.
types of markers that is used to mark territory
  1. central: a certain item placed to reserved a certain area like books, bag, and coat.
  2. boundary: separation of areas by setting boundaries between space like armrest in cinemas.
  3. ear: area that is identify by possession of a person like trademarks and name plates
Artifactual communication

Artifactual communication means massage that are man-made

  • color communication: evidence shows that color may influence mentally on our perception or behaviors.

  • Clothing and body adornment: the way people make inference about you by the way you dress,  style of your hair, and your body piercings/ tattoos.
a person with tattoo may be label as a gangster even when he/she is not
  • space decoration: people make inference about you based on the decoration you made to your private space.
you may know immediately that the person who owns that room like everything to do with outerspace

Smell communication

  • Attraction massages: odors or smell that is used to enhance a person attractiveness ( perfume,lotion)
  • Taste: a sense that compliments smell 
  • Memory: Olfactory cues that are used to trigger memory/ experience from the past
  • Identification massages: odors that is used to differentiate certain product. 
Touch communication 
communication through touch and is the most primitive form of nonverbal communication A.k.a Haptics ( develops before our other senses )

touch conveys ( positive emotion,playfulness, control, ritual, task-relatedness) 

 paralanguage means the nonverbal vocal dimension of speech like volume used, pitch, rate, and accent.

a woman shouting while communication often means that shes angry


silence can be used as a type of communication and it has the same intensity as verbal communication

uses of silence:
  1. allowing time to think before speaking
  2. can be use to hurt others " silent treatment"
  3. responds to threats like shyness
  4. prevent communicating uncomfortable topics
  5. emotional response like annoyance
Time Communication ( Chronemics)
it is how a person treat/ use hes/her time

  • it is an importance element for the past, present, and future.
  • past oriented people tend to do things the old fashion way
  • present oriented people tend to live without planning and just go with the flow
  • future oriented people tend to always plan ahead and look forward to future happenings
Culture and nonverbal communication

different culture have different meanings on a certain nonverbal cues

this OK sign may directly mean okay in most of the countries but in Brazil and Argentina it means 'asshole'

culture and facial expressions
 american woman tend to smile more openly

woman in Asia tend to cover their mouth when they laugh because it is considered inappropriate to laugh broadly

Culture and colors

Thailand: Mourning, widows
Eastern: Wealth
Western: Royalty
Astrology: Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces
Feng Shui: Yin, spiritual awareness, physical and mental healing
Stained Glass (Dante): Justice, royalty, suffering and mystery. With white it stands for humility and purity.

Korea: Trust
Eastern: Marriage
Western: Love, babies, especially female babies, Valentine’s Day
Feng Shui: Yin, love
Psychology: Used in diet therapy as an appetite suppressant, relaxes muscles, soothing
Roses: Gratitude and appreciation (deep pink) or admiration and sympathy (light pink)

Culture and eye communication
  • most western are open to eye communication in fact it shows the confidence a person has.
  • people in Asia are not as open to eye communication and rarely have eye contact with a stranger.
Culture and touch
  • countries in Europe and the middle east are contact culture
  • Asia countries are less open to contact culture practice and can lead to misunderstanding when using it with a stranger.
Culture paralanguage and silence
different culture view silence in a different ways
( silence in the U.S. is view as a negative action)

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