Wednesday 19 February 2014

Processes Influencing Perception

Processes influencing perception
1. Implicit personality theory
-Known as halo effect
You have your own perception about others' characteristics and which characteristic go similar with other characteristic.
If you tend to perceive an individual with positive characteristic, then you will also perceive all of his/her characteristic are positive.
Example: If a girl is kind and helpful, you will also tend to perceive that she is a brave and honest person.

Potential barrier
- You will ignore the characteristic that do not conform to you "theory".

Reverse halo effect
- If a person has negative characteristic, then you will tend to perceive all his characteristic are negative.
Example: If a girl is quiet type, you will tend to perceive she is also a boring and unfriendly person.

2. The self-fulfilling prophecy
-Known as Pygmalion effect
-Prediction --->proceed to fulfill
i) Making prediction
ii) Act according to your prediction
iii) It become true
iv) Observe the resulting situation

Potential barriers
- Influence another's behavior so that it matches your prophecy

3. Perceptual accentuation
-Looking things according to you expectation
Example: You will see the people you like being looking better and smarter than the people you don't like.

Potential barriers
- Distort the perceptions of others by only remember the positive ones and ignore the negative ones.
- Ignore the information that will influence your self-image negatively making the self-improvement very difficult.

4. Primacy-recency
- Using the first impression to perceive things or people.
Example: If a stranger help you when you meet some difficulties, you tend to perceive the stranger is a kind person.

Potential barriers
-The first impression might not be accurate enough to perceive a person.

5. Consistency
-Strong tendency to maintain the balance among perceptions.
-Expecting certain things to go together and other things not go together.
Example: I expect the people i like to like me. I expect the people i dislike to dislike me.

Potential barriers
- Distort the perceptions of behaviors that are inconsistent with your picture of the whole person.

6. Stereotyping
-A fixed impression of a group of people
-Can be positive or negative
-From the aspect of national, religious group, racial groups
Example: When your school top student is an Indian, you tend to perceive all Indian do well in their studies.

7. Attribution
-Focusing on why people do what they do and why you do what you do.

Principle of attribution
1. Consensus (compare the behaviors of other people with the people you are focusing on)
Example: Teacher A and Teacher B in marking exam paper. Do all the teachers give marks in the same way?

2.Consistency (do the person behave in the same way in the similar situations?)
Example: Is the teacher uses the same way in marking the exam paper for this semester and previous semesters? (for same students)

3. Distinctiveness ( do the person behave in the same way in the different situations?)
Example:  Is the teacher uses the same way in marking the exam paper for different students?

4. Controllability ( do the person is in the control of his/her behavior?)
Example: Your friend is planning to meet you yet he or she is late for an hour.
Reason for late
i) He/she is late because he/she just finished shopping and forgetting about the appointment with you.( in the control)

ii) He/she got in a car accident . (not in the control)

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