Wednesday 5 February 2014

Chapter1: Foundation of Human Communication

·         The act by one or more persons of sending and receiving messages.

v  Verbal communication

v  Non-verbal communication

Hand gestures

Facial Expression

Five areas of human communication

·         Intrapersonal communication

·         Interpersonal communication

·         Small group&organizational communication

·         Public communication

·         Mass communication

Culture and human communication

"Different Cultures, Different Perspective"

 Greeting gesture of Malay

Greeting gesture of Chinese

Greeting gesture of Indian

The Components of human communication
1.       Communication context
Ø  Social psychological context
People communicate according to the situation and the roles they play.
Example: As students, we talk to lecturers in a polite and formal way. However, we talk to our friends informally and in sense of humor.

2.       Physical context
Ø  A place which communication takes place
Example: At home vs at school

3.       Cultural Context
Ø  Beliefs and values shared by a group of people passed down to next generation

The gesture 'thumbs up'. English-speaking Caucasians use it to signal ‘OK’, which is same meaning as O.K. ring gesture. 

This gesture in Southern Sardina or Northern Greece means you want to invite a fight. 

4.       Temporal (time) context
Ø  Time or period for communication to take place
Example:  Morning is not a good time for communication to take place.

Communication Models
ü  Linear Model of Communication (one-way communication) (do not involve feedback)

ü  Interactional View of Communication (two-way communication)

The Purposes of Human Communication
è To help
Example: You comfort your friend who is feeling upset.

è To discover (discover your strength and weakness)
Example: You are communicating in a polite way and do not using the words that will hurt others feeling.

è To relate
Example: Maintaining good relationship through effective communication

è To persuade
Example: Promoting products

è To play
Example: To tell a joke.

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