Wednesday 19 February 2014

Chapter 2- Perception, Process of Perception

-Different people have different perceptions
-Impression of us towards other and other

Perception Process
Stage 1: Stimulation ( sense organs)
i) selective attention
-attend to things that you anticipate
Example: You are not focusing  and do not listen to what your friends are talking about until they call your names. You are focusing when your name is being called.

ii)selective exposure
-expose yourself to information that will match with your existing beliefs
Example: If you had bought new mobile phone,you will read and watch the advertisement about the mobile phone you had bought. You will not expose yourself to information of other phones.

Stage 2: Organization
-Proximity principle/ physical closeness
Things that are physically close together constitute a unit

-Closure principle
You perceived a figure and message as complete that is incomplete in reality.

Stage 3: Interpretation-Evaluation
-Not solely based on external stimulus but also your past experience.

Some might see there is an old woman and old man in the picture
Some might see there is a man playing guitar and another man carrying a vase using his head.

Wrong perceptions may lead to misunderstanding.

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