Wednesday 26 February 2014

Chapter 5 (a) Verbal Message

What is MESSAGE?
--> An interaction among communicators using verbal and nonverbal message.

Verbal message
* Words 

Principle of Verbal Message

1) -Message meanings are in people

! Same words but different meaning

" I like red color"  & " Red color makes my day!

! Same thing, but different meaning

I don't like Pizza hut &  I love Domino's Pizza

2) Messages/ language are denotative and connotative

Denotative: Dictionary meaning
Black: A type of color

Connotative: Subjective or emotional meaning
Black: State of powerful.

3) Meanings depend on context or abstraction

Meaning are different in different contexts depends on the time, place and style you say it

Do you mean "a time piece"?? or do you mean "to look"?? 


What does it mean when someone cry?? 

(i) meanings are culturally influenced: 

Principle of Cooperation => During communication, both parties will help each other understand each other

The Principle of Cooperation includes four maxims:

(1) The Maxim of Quality, try to make your contribution one that is true. You have to avoid saying something that you believe to be false or lack adequate evidence to make your utterances understandable 
A: What is the Capital City of Indonesia?
B: I believe it's Bogor, or maybe Jakarta, Indonesia has wide territory. 

(2) The Maxim of Relation, try to make your contributions relevant. It means you have to say some information which is related to the topic
Mom: Have you done your homework?
Son: My bicycle is broken mom. 

(3)The Maxim of Manner, try to make your utterance as clear, as brief, and as orderly as one can in what one says, and avoid obscurity and ambiguity
" The Coke side of life" (ads of Coca cola) 

(4) The Maxim of Quantity, try to make your contribution as informative as is required, in the other words, do not make your contribution more or less informative than is required
A: What time is it?
B: It's two a'clock, in fact it's four pass two, and now it's Sunday.

Principle of Peaceful Relations => When you communicate, your primary goal is to maintain peaceful relationships

Principle of Face-Saving => Preserve the image of the other person and do not embarrass anyone

Principle of Self-Denigration => Avoid taking credit for accomplishments and raise the image of the people with whom you are talking 


Men ~ more direct, assertive and brief
Women ~ more complicated and polite

4) Messages vary in politeness

Politeness VS Impoliteness


-          to perform an action in the most clear and efficient manner ( ex: asking permission ) on the part of the speaker.

-          it's about respect, and being considerate of people's feelings, culture, and values.
Example : “ Daddy, can you please help me with my homework? “, “ Could you bring in my paper, please? “

-          A behaviour which are rudeness manner ( ex : negative facial expressions ) that ignores accepted public usage.
Directness VS Indirectness
-          A straightness in attitude and speech.
Example : “ Wow you’re really getting fatter! “
The speaker came out and just said it, making it known exactly what he was thinking.
-          A communicative skills to allow speaker express their message without causing embarrassing.
Example : “ I like that purse, do you mind if I ask u where u get it? “
( 5 ) Messages Vary in Assertiveness
-          An assertive person who expresses feelings honestly, confident, and self –respecting. They operate with an “ I win, you win “
Communicating assertiveness
1.       Describe the problem
2.       State this problem how to affect you
3.       Propose solutions
4.       Confirm understanding
 ( 6 ) Message can deceive

Lying means telling another person a false information

types of lies

  • pro-social deception  = the intention to achieve something good
  • self-enhancement deception = to build a good reputation for yourself
  • selfish deception = the intention to protect yourself
  • anti-social deception = the negative intention to hurt someone else 

Dis-confirmation and Confirmation
Scenario: Ducky the Duck accused Cathy the Cat for stealing her ribbon but Cathy just bought that ribbon earlier that morning.
Dis-confirmation: Cathy would completely ignore Ducky
Rejection: Cathy would raise her voice and claim that she bought the ribbon herself 
Confirmation: Cathy would ask Ducky if she lost her ribbon and calmly say that she bought that ribbon earlier that day

 Confirmation and dis-confirmation is also referring to a situation  which you acknowledge another person.

Dis-confirmation: it a communication way which you ignore a person and their massages
                              ~ often not in a polite way

Confirmation is the opposite communication pattern . When your friends or family tell you some things , you
 must confirmation again, that is the more polite way in  communicating with one another. 

Sometimes we ignoring who teases you but that not totally wrong, that confirmation must be practiced all the time.

Disconfirmation and confirmation would always be deemed as subjective. For example, after you watch a movie with your friends, you say the movie really good but your friend are not endorse.

The different of racism, sex and age open up conflicts because of the different disconfirmation and confirmation. 

Chapter 4 Group activity

Group activity: what do you think is the difference characteristic in people with                                high and low esteem?

Low self-esteem
High self-esteem
Lack of confidence
Confidence in your own abilities
A wish to look like someone
Always worrying what others think
Not worrying about what others think
Doesn't like socializing
Has good social life

Differences between HEARING and LISTENING

When you HEAR your phone is ringing (Accidental)

You are LISTENING to music (Intentional)


v Bed                                                                            
v Rest
v Dream
v Awake
v Comfort
v Sound
v Wake
v Tired
v Night
v Eat
v Communication
v Listening
v Hearing
v Feedback
v Receiving
v Blur
v Positive
v Noise
v Banana
v Happy

CLUE: Use story line to remember !!