Wednesday 2 April 2014

Chapter 10 Small Group

Chapter 10


  •  is interpersonal communication within groups of between 3 and 20 individuals.
  •  helping behaviors and information-sharing causes groups to be superior to the average individual in terms of the quality of decisions and effectiveness of decisions made or actions taken
  1. Purpose: have a same purpose and reason.
  2. Interdependence: describes relationships in which members of the group are mutually dependent on the others or to complement each other.
  3. Organization of rules : that have their certain schemata/rule to adhere to.
  4. Self-perception as a group : that have their common shared values,   beliefs, likings and mentality.
Small groups are also characterized as a TEAM

Specific purpose :  problem solving , set a goal.

Clearly defined roles : have a gruop leader, every team member must be a player.

Goal directed : achieve the common goal and  objective.

Content focused : must be able to generate content- not   distracted by other things.

Small Group State

  1. opening
  2. Feedforward
  3. Business
  4. Feedback
  5. Closing


The round table 

  • Share information together

  • Leader – try to keep members on track

The panel
  • Group members are experts

  • The most popular small group formats.

The Symposium
  • Each member delivers a prepared presentation much like a public speech.

  • speeches – different aspect of a single topic
Power in Groups

  • ‘Power refers to our ability to influence another  person’s behavior. There are five different types:
  • Legitimate power: power because of your position or role
  • Referent power: power because people like you
  • Expert power: power because you have specific knowledge
  • Reward power: power by granting others rewards
  • Coercive power: power by inflicting punishment

Types of Groups and Teams

  • Primary group—fulfills the basic human needs of 

associating with others( Family Unit)

  • ‘Study group—meets to learn new ideas
  • ‘Therapy group—provides treatment for the personal issues group members have
  • ‘Problem-solving group—exists to resolve an issue or work out a problem
  • ‘Focus group—people asked to discuss a particular topic or issue and provide feedback
  • ‘Social group—exists just for the joy and satisfaction of group members

Idea-generation groups

the creative process of generating, developing, and communicating new ideas

Personal Growth Groups

 aim to help members cope with particular difficulties

1.The Encounter Group: “sensitivity group”
  - this group try to facilitate members
  - more on psychotherapy
2.The assertiveness training group:

  - aims to increase the willingness of its members to stand up    for their right and to act more  assertively in a wide    variety of situations.

3)   The Consciousness – raising group:

          aim to help people cope with the problems   society confronts them with.


      The Six Thinking Hats (or modes)

      The White Hat

      The White hat calls for information known or needed.

    The Red Hat

    The red hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition.

    The Black Hat

    The black hat is judgment -- the devil's advocate or why something may not work.

    The Yellow Hat

    The yellow hat symbolizes brightness and optimism.

    The Green Hat

    The green hat focuses on creativity: the possibilities, alternatives and new idea .

    The Blue Hat

    The blue hat is used to manage the thinking process.

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